Why you should try Restorative Yoga
Do you remember when you were a young child and had nap time at home or school? Do you remember how refreshed you felt afterwards?...

The Importance of Giving Back
As the holiday season is upon us, everything tends to feel super crazy and overwhelming. We all have so many places to go and people to...

What is Reiki?
When you get an injury, what is your first reaction- without thinking too much about it? When your stomach hurts, what is the first thing...

Why are there so many different yoga mats, and which one is right for me?
Weather you've just started looking into buying your own yoga mat or have been looking at them for a while, it can be so confusing...

"But... I'm not flexible"
One of the reasons I hear the most from people as to why they don't want to start yoga is "I'm not flexible". I think this is very...

What its like walking into a yoga class
Just like many things, if you aren't used to something, it can be intimidating to try for the first time. If you aren't a "yogi", it...